Candidates wishing to attend any of the following Paddle UK Courses are required to register
centrally in advance. Registration is required for each award and is the start of the validating
process for the qualifications. It is also the means via which a candidate training and
assessment journey is recorded.
Paddle Northern Ireland recognises that many learners may have relevant experiences and qualifications from other sports, work and qualifications from other training providers. We aim to recognise your experience through the Accredited Prior Learning (APL) service. Some of these have already been mapped by British Canoeing Awarding Body and can be found in Appendix 1.
Paddle Northern Ireland supports the promotion of paddlesport for people of all abilities and encourages them to take British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) Personal Performance Awards, Safety training, Leadership Awards and Coaching Qualifications.
Our goal is to give excellent service to all of our members, but we recognise that occasionally things do go wrong. We take all complaints we receive seriously and aim to resolve all of our members’ problems promptly. To ensure that we provide the kind of service you should expect of us, we welcome your feedback.
This policy sets out the appeal process and arrangements for a learner who has had an unsuccessful outcome at a British Canoeing Awarding Body qualification course conducted by a Paddle Northern Ireland registered course provider.
Provider Service Agreemennt is made between Paddle UK through Paddle Northern Ireland (The Delivery Centre) and The registered Member of the Delivery Centre who wishes to provide Paddlesports Qualifications in accordance with this Agreement (the Provider)
This document is designed to give candidates information about the certification process of British Canoeing Awarding Body Awards by Paddle Northern Ireland. It will outline the timeframes for certification and how a duplicate certificate can be obtained.
The Board, committee members, volunteers and employees of Paddle Northern Ireland have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of Paddle Northern Ireland and in accordance with the organisation’s constitution.
Our goal is to give excellent service to all of our members, but we recognise that occasionally things do go wrong. We take all complaints we receive seriously and aim to resolve all of our members’ problems promptly. To ensure that we provide the kind of service you should expect of us, we welcome your feedback.
Paddle Northern Ireland is responsible for setting and maintaining the standards of service delivery to our members, stakeholders and the wider public and is committed to dealing with any complaint equitably, comprehensively and in a timely manner.
Someone engaged in coaching may do so under the title of Coach, Instructor, or Leader (hereinafter collectively
referred to as “Coaches”). Regardless of the badge, qualification or title they wear, this Code applies to all those
who help others achieve their goals through paddlesport.
All Paddle Northern Ireland staff have cyber security training during induction. This includes any system access relevant for their role. It covers all aspects of cyber security from the password policy to awareness training for smishing, phishing.
As individuals, we want to know that personal information about ourselves is handled properly, and we and others have specific rights in this regard. In the course of its activities, Paddle Northern Ireland will collect, store and process personal information, and it recognises that the correct and lawful treatment of this information will maintain confidence in the organisation and will provide for successful operations.
Paddle Northern Ireland is recognised by British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) as a Delivery Centre and has a responsibility to ensure that the regulated qualifications it provides are delivered to a consistent standard, in line with all BCAB regulatory requirements. Fulfilling this responsibility contributes towards maintaining our recognition as a Delivery Centre and a high level of public confidence in the qualifications.
Paddle Northern Ireland believes that properly funding awards and qualifications course fees help the organisation to design, improve, support and resource a comprehensive suite of training and assessment courses to best meet the needs of all within the pa ddlesport community. Such costs are kept as low as possible and are clear and transparent.
Sports Equality is about fairness in sport; equality of access; recognising inequalities and taking steps to address them. It involves changing the culture and structure of sport to ensure it becomes equally accessible to all members of society and allowing everyone the opportunity to realise their talent and full potential.
The British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) is committed to ensuring access to, and fairness
in, assessment for all candidates regardless of their race, ethnic or national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, social class, political or religious beliefs and
affiliations or other personal or professional characteristics which are acknowledged to have
no bearing on assessment.
Paddle Northern Ireland recognises its responsibility to protect and promote health and safety and wellbeing of all its employees and visitors to its premises.
Purpose of policy: Paddle Northern Ireland strives to treat all its Learners and Providers fairly without favour or bias and views Malpractice and / or Maladministration by anyone as a threat to the equity and openness of the organisation.
This policy relates to suspected or actual malpractice and maladministration on the part of Learners, Providers, Tutors, Assessors and anyone involved in the delivery of British Canoeing Awarding Body (BCAB) Awards and Qualifications.
Paddle Northern Ireland strives for an open and transparent approach to the recruitment and training of its workforce.
Paddle Northern Ireland recognises the need to promote the welfare and interests of adults in all circumstances. This policy aims to ensure that inclusive of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy / maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation ALL adults are able take part in paddlesports safely and are protected from ANY form of bullying, harassment, discrimination and abuse.
Paddle Northern Ireland recognises the need to promote the welfare and interests of children in all circumstances. This policy aims to ensure that inclusive of age, ability or disability, gender reassignment, marriage / civil partnership, pregnancy / maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation ALL children are able take part in paddlesports safely and are protected from ANY form of bullying, harassment, discrimination and abuse.
By clicking on the "I Agree", the "Submit" or similar button when receiving these Terms and
Conditions (“the terms”) you are confirming you have read, accepted, acknowledged and
understood the terms and are indicating your intent to sign the terms and that this action
will constitute your signature for the purposes of these terms.
Paddle Northern Ireland encourages a free and open culture in dealings between its’ managers, employees, and all individuals with whom it engages in business and legal relations. Paddle Northern Ireland recognises that effective and honest communication is eessential if concerns about breaches or failures are to be effectively dealt with and the organisation’s success ensured.