Whilst the Standards for Deployment policy is a UK wide policy, the practical implementation varies between the National Associations based on current organisational structures, previous club affiliation requirements, training completions and more.
At the heart of our paddling community, clubs, committees, and volunteers play a crucial role. This policy aims to provide a framework that supports these essential contributors while ensuring safety and high standards. Paddle Northern Ireland fully endorses the implementation of this policy, prioritising safety and promoting enjoyable paddling experiences for members and stakeholders
Many affiliated Clubs in Northern Ireland are already in a good place in terms of governance, club policies and procedures, the recording of all club members in JustGo, and in the training of many roles. However, we also recognise that some clubs and individuals will be required to complete additional training or qualifications to meet the requirements of the policy. Paddle Northern Ireland is committed to support affiliated clubs in the next stages of implementation and has a range of support and tools available.
The Standards for Deployment policy aims to improve the quality of the paddling experience and to help make Paddlesport a safer environment for all. Below you will find information about the policy, a summary of requirements for clubs, committee members and volunteers and details of support available from Paddle Northern Ireland.
As the National Governing Body for paddlesports, Paddle UK wants to do everything it can to create a sustainable, safe and enjoyable environment for everyone who paddles or organises paddling activity. Safeguarding is an integral part of the process of protecting children and adults from harm by providing a safe space in which to paddle and be active. Safeguarding means protecting people’s health, wellbeing and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
In addition, those people that take part in activities led or coached by others need to know that these leaders or coaches have the skills, knowledge and experience that allows them to run safe, enjoyable and purposeful activities. We want to make sure that volunteers that coach or lead paddling activities are competent to do so and this policy outlines minimum standards required for leaders and coaches.
Over the next two years we will be phasing in, first the safeguarding and safety standards for deployment and then the coaching and leading standards; all with the aim of continuing to ensure that every paddler has a safe and enjoyable paddling experience.
We believe that paddling clubs are the lifeblood of our sport, offering a huge range of activity and events for their members and the public. However, recent paddling accidents and reviews of safeguarding across all sports, have highlighted the duty of care clubs have to their members and the public around them.
A crucial stage of building a safer culture and environment in paddling clubs is to ensure that anyone supporting paddlesport activity is appropriately trained, qualified and competent to do so. The standards for deployment policy provides the guidance and requirements for those involved in paddlesport, ensuring that clubs understand the standards required to maintain high levels of safeguarding and safety.
The Standards for Deployment policy covers club management, activity and events and should be seen as the foundation for affiliated clubs to build their structures on.
In order to help clubs meet the additional requirements detailed in the Standards for Deployment Policy, Paddle Northern Ireland will provide the following support:
Anyone deployed to undertake regulated activity in many of the roles below must have an AccessNI Enhanced Disclosure check.
Click on the button below for further information on the AccessNI application process.
From December 2024 Clubs must have the following policies in place and submitted to Paddle Northern Ireland within their Club JustGo record:
*or must formally adopt the Paddle Northern Ireland or Paddle UK Policy
In addition from December 2026 clubs must make the documents listed publicly available.
Club committee members are champions for safety! They play a key role in building a positive club environment where safeguarding and high standards are at the forefront. Committee members work together to decide how the club handles its safeguarding responsibilities. This ensures everyone - parents, members, and the wider community - feels confident and safe participating in club activities.
To support you in this important role, we encourage all committee members to complete a basic safeguarding training course.
Club Committee Members*
From December 2024 the following must be in place:
*Please note any club committee members who hold other roles within the club must also meet any role specific requirements.
Whilst safeguarding is a shared responsibility, Club Safeguarding Officers take a lead within the club and require a greater understanding and training around safeguarding issues and processes. This includes clubs without children, as safeguarding includes the safeguarding of adults at risk.
By December 2024 any club without a safeguarding officer must appoint one and have them appropriately trained, including clubs with only adults.
Currently all Club Safeguarding Officers are required to have completed both
This training can be facilitated through Paddle Northern Ireland, the network of other sport governing bodies and local authorities.
By December 2024, in addition to the training detailied above Club Safeguarding Officers are also required to complete the British Canoeing Awarding Body Code of Conduct for Coaching Workforce eLearning.
A Club Safety Officer takes the lead on safety matters within a club and has a need for a greater level of training and understanding of risk assessment and safety management.
By December 2024 clubs are required to appoint a designated Club Safety Officer which must be identified in JustGo.
Club Safety Officers are required to complete:
These specific roles may vary between clubs but in broad terms they have a responsibility for those who are attending club trips and competitions.
By December 2024 Club trip organisers, team leaders & other similar organising roles are required to complete:
Chaperones or anyone taking direct responsibility for under 18’s or Adults at Risk.
These individuals have a responsibility for others in their care and require appropriate training to support the safety of those participants.
By December 2024 chaperones or anyone taking direct responsibility for under 18’s or Adults at Risk are required to complete:
By December 2024 all paddlers providing formal instruction, coaching and leading within club activity* must:
* i.e. In this case ‘club activity’ is defined as “Any activity that has been assessed as part of the club’s safety framework and promoted on the club calendar, website or noticeboard.”
In addition by December 2026 anyone providing formal Instruction, coaching or leading within club activity will:
When a club deploys a young person (under 18) as:
the following additional requirements must be met:
Where a club organises an event designed for non-members it must have a specific event risk assessment and an event safeguarding plan. The event must be approved by the Club Committee and if required recognised by Paddle Northern Ireland. Examples of Club events could include a tour down the local river that is open to non club members, or a competitive event such as a Surf meet, or a Polo Tournament, or a recreation event such as a symposium.
Event Volunteers - a record of all Event Volunteers and their role should be listed as part of the event plan. Depending on the role they may require safeguarding training.
Event Organisers - have a greater need for understanding and training to be able to oversee club events safely and successfully.
By December 2024 all Club Event Organisers must complete:
Where a club organises an event designed for non-members it must have a specific event risk assessment and an event safeguarding plan. The event must be approved by the Club Committee and if required recognised by Paddle Northern Ireland. Examples of Club events could include a tour down the local river that is open to non club members, or a competitive event such as a Surf meet, or a Polo Tournament, or a recreation event such as a symposium.
Club Event Safeguarding Officers
Are required to take a lead for safeguarding across specific events and as such have greater need for understanding and training across event safeguarding.
By December 2024 all Club Event Safeguarding Officers are required to complete: