Paddle Northern Ireland Memorandum and Articles of Association Write a description for this list item and include information that will interest site visitors. For example, you may want to describe a team member's experience, what makes a product special, or a unique service that you offer.
Download List Item 1This 5 year strategic plan is designed to meet the needs of our members and stakeholders, incorporating feedback from
extensive consultation with clubs, volunteers, commercial providers, and other outside agencies. It provides a mechanism to overcome challenges while promoting the
enjoyment and development of paddling.
Paddle Northern Ireland complies fully with the Code of Practice, issued by the Department of Justice, in connection with the use of information provided to registered persons, their nominees and other recipients of information by AccessNI under Part V of the Police Act 1997, for the purposes of assessing Applicant’s suitability for employment purposes, voluntary positions, licensing and other relevant purposes.
Paddle Northern Ireland is fully committed to the principles of equality of opportunity and aims to ensure that everyone has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate in Paddlesport at all levels and in all roles of the sport, irrespective of age; disability; gender including gender reassignment; race; religious belief; political opinion; marital or civil partnership status; pregnancy or maternity; and sexual orientation.
Paddle Northern Ireland encourages a free and open culture in dealings between its’ managers, employees, and all individuals with whom it engages in business and legal relations. Paddle Northern Ireland recognises that effective and honest ommunication is essential if concerns about breaches or failures are to be effectively dealt with and the organisation’s success ensured.
Paddle Northern Ireland values the contribution made by volunteers and is committed to involving volunteers in appropriate positions and in ways which are encouraging, supportive and which develop volunteering. Paddle Northern Ireland recognises its responsibility to arrange its volunteering efficiently and sensitively so that volunteer's time is best used to the mutual advantage of all concerned.
Paddle Northern Ireland is committed to conducting business in an ethical and honest manner and is committed to implementing and enforcing systems that ensure fraud, bribery and corruption are prevented. Paddle Northern Ireland has zero-tolerance for bribery and other corrupt activities. We are committed to acting professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all dealings and relationships, wherever Paddle Northern Ireland operates.
Paddle UK is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of its members so they can paddle in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable. If bullying does occur, all paddlers or parents should be able to tell and know that incidents will be dealt with promptly and effectively. We are a TELLING organisation. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to TELL your safeguarding Officer or any committee member.
Our goal is to give excellent service to all of our members, but we recognise that occasionally things do go wrong. We take all complaints we receive seriously and aim to resolve all of our members’ problems promptly. To ensure that we provide the kind of service you should expect of us, we welcome your feedback.
The Board, committee members, volunteers and employees of Paddle Northern Ireland have a legal obligation to act in the best interests of Paddle Northern Ireland and in accordance with the organisation’s constitution.
All Paddle Northern Ireland staff have cyber security training during induction. This includes any system access relevant for their role. It covers all aspects of cyber security from the password policy to awareness training for smishing, phishing.
These disciplinary regulations (the “Regulations”) are made pursuant to the powers of Paddle Northern Ireland to act as the governing body for the sport and recreation of canoeing and paddle sport in Northern Ireland in co-operation with Paddle UK, and the other national canoe associations within the United Kingdom, and for the administration and development of canoeing in Northern Ireland as set out in its Articles of Association.
This policy sets out guidance for staff, and where appropriate Paddle Northern Ireland office-bearers, on the principles governing the acceptance of gifts and hospitality.
The aim of this procedure is to give a Paddle Northern Ireland employee the opportunity to raise a grievance either informally and/or formally and to discuss this with their employer with a view to having it resolved.
Paddle Northern Ireland recognises its responsibility to protect and promote health and safety and wellbeing of all its employees and visitors to its premises.
It is the policy of Paddle Northern Ireland to achieve best practice in the management of all risks that threaten to adversely impact Paddle Northern Ireland, its customers, members, employees, assets, functions, objectives, operations or members of the public.
Paddle Northern Ireland recognises that the use of networking sites is a growing phenomenon and is increasingly used as a communication tool of choice by both young people and adults. The use of social media provides many opportunities to improve the way we communicate and interact with people and other groups.
Paddle Northern Ireland is responsible for setting and maintaining the standards of service delivery to our members, stakeholders and the wider public and is committed to dealing with any complaint equitably, comprehensively and in a timely manner.
Safeguarding information and policies
Visit our Anti-Doping page for information about our anti-doping rules and procedures.